
The speed bump test.


The engineers at Citroen love their comfort. In fact, they are obsessed with it. That’s why they are a world leader in comfort technology. It’s one of the things that sets them apart from their competitors. Their reputation in this area goes back to the 1960s iconic DS with its famous air suspension. Today most of the Citroen range comes fitted with ground-breaking comfort technologies like the patented “progressive hydraulic cushion suspension” which evens out the bumps and dips on the road to create the magic carpet effect. It does this by cleverly converting the energy from a bump in the road into heat and then dissipating it through a cooling system.


If a brand has a story to tell, the best strategy is just tell it. And Citroen has a big story around comfort. Following on from the reaction to our successful “car studio” campaign we decided that the best way to tell the comfort story was to put it to the test. We started with an online poll on where we asked car drivers to vote for the road with the most speed bumps in Dublin. And to no-one’s great surprise the Ballymun Road came out on top (anyone who has the pleasure of driving from IKEA with a car full of flat pack furniture will agree with this wise choice). Our next step was to devise a test of the patented “progressive hydraulic cushion suspension” that would be worthy of Top Gear. As our lead media was radio it had to be an audio test. So that’s when our boffins came up with this fiendish test.

“Take a test glide, not a test drive”


Radio, Online video, digital and social.

The Speed Bump Test.
30 Second Radio 2024

Will the record skip?

Full length online video proving the making of the ad.

We are a Dublin based creative agency, specialising in advertising, design and digital communications. We help brands to compete and win by outwitting, not outspending their competition.

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